
Kerken over de wereld lichtten rood op ter ere van vervolgde Christenen

Catholic News Agency | 
21 november 2024

Disclaimer: Vertaling met AI. Kan onregelmatigheden bevatten.
The issue of Christian persecution has garnered significant attention recently, with particular emphasis on regions including Pakistan, Nigeria, the Sahel region of Africa, Egypt, and India, where such persecution is reportedly on the rise. Advocates call for support through various means, notably prayer and awareness initiatives such as Red Wednesday.

This year, over 300 Red Wednesday events took place across 20 countries, including prominent nations like the United Kingdom, United States, Canada, and various European and Latin American countries. These events served to raise awareness about the challenges faced by persecuted Christians and demonstrated solidarity through acts such as illuminating churches and government buildings in red.

Social media played a crucial role in highlighting these events, with numerous tweets sharing images and messages supporting the cause. Notable sites, including Westminster Abbey, St. Peter’s Cathedral in Belfast, and the Colosseum in Rome, joined in by lighting up in red, symbolizing support for persecuted Christians worldwide. Many tweets invited followers to participate in prayer and to spread awareness about the ongoing persecutions faced by Christians globally.

Prominent voices in human rights and religious freedom echoed the call for solidarity and action, reminding the public that Christians represent one of the most persecuted religious groups worldwide, with alarming rates of violence and discrimination increasing each year

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